By working with experienced estate lawyers like ours, you can develop and document a detailed plan for how your will & estate will be handled when the time comes.
And we can tell you, based on more than 18 years of legal experience; effective estate planning can and usually is a critical component in preserving family peace and harmony during the difficult aftermath of a death in the family.
We believe that all Floridians — not just rich folks — deserve the kind of peace of mind and protection that affordable, effective estate planning can bring.
We urge you, protect your family.
Prevent Florida from dividing up your assets as determined by current state laws, rules and regulations.
Preserve & protect all you’ve worked so hard for so many years to build.
With the help of our caring, experienced Deitsch & Deitsch estate law attorneys, you can prepare a will plus other documents that keep decision-making about your family’s future, in your hands.